Tantra Kriya Yoga
16oct17:0019:00Tantra Kriya Yoga
16.10.2023 17:00 - 19:00
Online Event
Event Details
Tantra Kriya Yoga is a practice of Indu origin and was one of the first practises originally born out of the Kaula Tantra school over four thousand years ago. This
Event Details
Tantra Kriya Yoga is a practice of Indu origin and was one of the first practises originally born out of the Kaula Tantra school over four thousand years ago. This type of Yoga aims to reconnect your body to your three types of energy, sexual, physical and mental.
In Tantra Kriya Yoga you work with different than in Hatha Yoga asanas, and they’re not in the main focus.
The most essential and beautiful in it is Connection, first with yourself then with the other.
It’s ecstatic breathwork that includes sublimation, bringing, transforming the energy to higher chakras.
You may feel ecstasy in your heart and your spirit.
Tantra Kriya Yoga is a beautiful way of introducing and tasting tantra.
Done regularly, especially connected with tantric magic, could be one of the most empowering practices.
Before session it’s good that you’re fit, rested and not hungry to avoid any dizziness feelings.
Here you may see and do something already:
By who?
Michal Kali Griks – Founder of Tantra Movement
Michal dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Tantra. When he discovered Tantra fourteen years ago, it completely changed his life. He followed his heart and completed several trainings in Tantra and Kundalini Yoga, including intensive study at the Rasayana Academy in the Netherlands.
For nine years, he has been sharing his vast knowledge of Tantra and passing on his enthusiasm, love and experience in his retreats. Since he started to train teachers as well, the Tantra Movement Team is growing – and so is our love through which we aspire to make the world a more beautiful and loving place. Join us on this journey!
Costs / Contribution:
Early Bird:
(It has to be paid week before the event)
300 THB per person
500 THB per couple
Normal Price:
400 THB per person
600 THB per couple
If cost is an issue and you would really like to join, do not hesitate to find a solution with us before.
Tantra Movement // Koh Phangan // Sri Thanu
Check our website for more info:
and do not hesitate to ask the questions
Michal Kali Griks (FB)