Free 🕉 Chakra Meditation 🕉
13nov19:0020:00Free 🕉 Chakra Meditation 🕉
13.11.2023 19:00 - 20:00
Serenity Residence
Event Details
Join our Chakra Meditation event to be introduced to a NEW way of meditating and connecting with yourself & others… Unlike most meditation methods that focus on creating a state of
Event Details
Join our Chakra Meditation event to be introduced to a NEW way of meditating and connecting with yourself & others…
Unlike most meditation methods that focus on creating a state of silence, stillness and emptiness to calm your mind…
The Chakra Meditation Method™ is VERY different – It has you FEEL THE EMOTIONS of your 7 core energy centres (chakras), 1 by 1:
1 ❤️ Root chakra – safety, peace, pleasure, connection to the physical aspect of us
2 ???? Sacral chakra – joy, creativity, $exuality, relationships
3 ???? Solar plexus chakra – power, courage, confidence
4 ???? Heart chakra – love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, appreciation
5 ???? Throat chakra – success, self-expression, creativity, inspiration, truth, honesty
6 ???? Third eye chakra – intuition, knowing, trust, clarity of mind, connection to your Higher Self
7 ???? Crown chakra – oneness, unity, highest potential, connection with Divinity
Doing the Chakra Meditation Method™ in a group setting is very healing…
???? It creates a lot of energy and spreads a lot of love & light in the world around us.
???? It unites us and raises our vibration.
???? It allows us to learn from each other and help each other expand – some of us are more open in certain chakras than others.
When we merge our energies, we can raise our frequency together and tap into emotions we may not tap into regularly on our own.
The real power of the Chakra Meditation Method™ though is that it creates new neural pathways in our brain, connected nerves that electrical impulses travel through in our body, making it easier for us to tap into the emotions we want to experience in our daily lives.
Remember, when you meditate in a group, a lot of positive energy is created and it helps everyone tap into it with more ease.
So if you can, come along with some friends to share the fun and feel the positivity together!
???? Let’s combine our forces and light up the Earth! ????
P.S. The event is completely FREE, donations highly appreciated ????