26nov12:0015:00CACAO RITUAL GATHERING 🌕✨


26.11.2023 12:00 - 15:00


The Yoga House Cafe

Other Events

Event Details

Hello Beautiful Community,

Let’s come home together THIS SUNDAY! It’s a magical celebration day for all of our relations, together harvesting our dreams and seeds planted on New Moon. May this day be fruitful sending our gratitude to the evolution of our spirits.

✨ About our cacao ceremonies;

Cacao is a sacred heart opening medicine.
Music is considered to unify all tribes from the world.
Through ancient Mayan practices, a prayer to the elements; together we open a path of light, peace and wisdom.

We are bringing these transformative treasures from Mexico; Cacao, Copal, Ancient wisdom related to cacao.

Join my beloved family to receive this beautiful FULL Moon Portal energy and to manifest from the heart the magic of music.

Everyone is welcome, kids as well.

Bring your instruments and let you expression be your healing.

⏱️Time: 7pm

????Location: The Yoga House

???? By Nacho and Rebecca

????Entrance: 400THB

Please arrive with a light meal of empty stomach. Drink water during the day.

Together we open a conversation between our heart and the universe.

More blessings more love,
Nacho and Rebecca
